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# The labels of various items in the personas menu. About=Névjegy... popular=Legnépszerűbb new=Új recent=Legutóbb kiválasztott categories=Kategória szerint favorites=Kedvencek favoritesSignIn=A Kedvencek eléréséhez be kell jelentkezni viewDetail=Részletek... favoritesGoTo=Kedvencek... # Labels that identify the current persona when the current persona is either # the default persona, a persona that doesn't have a name, or a custom persona # that doesn't have a name. Default=Alapértelmezett unnamedPersona=Névtelen Persona customPersona=Egyéni Persona # LOCALIZATION NOTE (viewDesigner): a label that indicates the name of the designer # of the current persona as part of a link to more personas # $@ = the name of the designer of the current persona viewDesigner=%S további alkotásai... # LOCALIZATION NOTE (viewMore): the label of a command that will load the gallery # page on getpersonas.com for this specific category. # %1$S = number of additional personas in this category available on the site (e.g. 1,542) # %2$2 = the name of the category (e.g. Music) viewMore=%1$S további alkotás a(z) %2$S kategóriában... # LOCALIZATION NOTE (notification.personaWasSelected): the text # of the notification shown when a persona is selected for the first time. # %1$S = the name of the persona (f.e. Groovy Blue) # %2$2 = the name of the author of the persona (f.e. Lee.Tom) notification.personaWasSelected=Kiválasztott persona: "%1$S" készítette: %2$S. # Strings used for the Undo button in the notification shown when a persona # is selected for the first time. notification.revertButton.label=Visszavonás notification.revertButton.accesskey=V # LOCALIZATION NOTE (randomPersona): a label that identifies the current # randomly-selected persona. # %1$S = the category to which the persona belongs # %2$S = the name of the persona # f.e. "Random Selection from Scenery > Yosemite" randomPersona=Véletlenszerű kiválasztás: %1$S > %2$S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (useRandomPersona): the label of a command that selects # a category from which to pick random personas. # %S = the category from which to pick random personas # f.e. "Random Selection from Scenery" useRandomPersona=Véletlenszerű kiválasztás innen: %S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (dataUnavailable): the content of a tooltip that shows up # when a user hovers over a Personas menu that we can't yet generate because # we don't yet have the data we need to generate the menu. # %S = the "brand short name" of the application (f.e. Firefox, Thunderbird) dataUnavailable=A Personas adatai most nem elérhetők. Ellenőrizze a hálózati kapcsolatot és indítsa újra a %Sot, vagy próbálja meg pár perc múlva. # The title of the dialog for picking a header or footer background image # from the custom persona editor (customPersonaEditor.xul). It should probably # be in an editor-specific properties file, but since translators have already # translated it in this one, we'll leave it here for now. backgroundPickerDialogTitle=Fájl kiválasztása